I offer digital product photography services for website/printed matter
use. Due to time limitations, I cannot
take all projects, and will select each project on an individual basis,
based on my availability.
White Background Photography
I can accomodate small to medium objects (24") for white background
'Themed'/Prop Photography
I can accomodate slightly larger objects and have a wide array of military
gear (much of it on my site) to use as background sets and props to
create 'themed' photographs. I use different light sources and post-production
digital processing to highlight your product.
The rate is $100 per hour for web/small print (300 dpi) photography
(which is a bargain - most places charge 3 times that amount). Charges
are to the nearest quarter hour and is for total time spent on the project.
Production Rate/Estimate
The time it takes for photos depends on the subject, the difficulty
of the shot and the amount of post-production time needed. For example,
white background shots take the least amount of time to set up, whereas
composing a shot with props takes the most time because each shot has
to be arranged and lighted just right in order to get that shot. I usually
take multiple shots from different angles with variations in lighting
so the best one can be selected. Typically, it takes an hour for each
change in set photography (setting up and switching backgrounds) but
multiple shots can be taken with the same background. All images usually
require post-processing which includes selection of the best shots (it
can take 5-10 shots to get the one 'best' shot), exposure adjustment,
colour matching, cropping, resizing, retouching and shading (if needed),
removal of shadows etc.
On an average, I've found it takes about half an hour per image (for
white background shots), with a minimum 1 hour setup/teardown time for
the first image. If the item is to be isolated from the background (like
if a different colour background is needed), the time taken depends
on the complexity of the outline of the item, as it is traced by hand
on the computer.
Contact me with your needs and I will estimate the cost of the project.
Web-only use
Photos will be sized accordingly at 72dpi for use on web pages. If requested,
a thumbnail of each photograph will be supplied along with the larger
image (size of thumbnail specified by client).
Web and printed matter use
If you need to use the photos for printed matter, please specify that
beforehand, as a larger image will be needed for proper printing resolution.
MM Photos and services have been used
- Kifaru Military Gear (company website,
printed catalog and SOF/SWAT magazine ads
- TangoDown (website, G&A AR15 magazine
ad, Product blister packaging, industry presentations)
- Lewis Machine & Tool (industry presentations)
- Vltor Weapons Systems (website, brochures,
magazine ads - G&A, G&W for LE Sept 04, Shotgun News)
- High Speed Gear Inc. (website)
- Snoqualmie Police Department Valley
Special Operations Team (training presentation)
- Buffer Technologies (website, catalog,
SHOT show booth backdrops, G&A AR15 mag, industry presentations)
- Southwest Motorsports Gloves (website,
magazine ads)
- Gemtech - Small Arms Review (magazine
ad and SHOT show display)
- Abrams Small Arms Research (magazine
- Digisette - consumer electronics (website)
- Paddlepak - product photos (website)
- Mesa Tactical (website, catalog)
- Blackhawk Industries (Catalog, used
without permission)
- DigilightUSA.com - website and packaging
- Section8 tactical - packaging
- Licensed to Kill - Book cover jacket
- Ops-Core printed catalog
- TangoDown/Vltor Warrior Mindset Poster
Gallery of examples of photos or artwork I've
done (note that the larger images have been reduced in size from the
originals). Username and Password are both 'mm' to view larger image.

Book of AR15 mag '06 |

G&A AR15 mag |

Kind of a cool "see-through" photo I did of my bike.
Below are high-res images suitable for screensavers
or desktops. Feel free to download them for personal use only.
Due to repeated incidence of hot-linking and bandwidth theft, all full-size
images now require a username and password to access:
Username: mm
Password: mm
For info, contact: militarymorons@gmail.com